
I wish I knew more about this project in San Luis Potosí, Mexico.
I suspect this is part of bus driver training.

I'm imagining the DMV making it a part of every driving test for your license. Some people learn best by experiencing the consequences of their actions from the victim's perspective.

#BikeTooter #ShareTheRoad #DrivingSafety

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emilygorcenski mastodon (AP)

Great article looking at LLM fascination as an extension of the psychic’s con


Charlie Stross mastodon (AP)

I see a third possibility (speculating outside my competence): what if Chomsky was onto something with his concept of a "deep grammar" underlying human languages, and LLMs have inadvertently exposed or replicated it.

But language and linguistic competence alone are not actual intelligence or sentience—they're just how intelligence communicates.

(Which is where the illusion arises.)

People who've never seen a picture of a face see one for the first time and think it's a face.

pettter mastodon (AP)
@cstross are you thinking of universal grammar? I mean, it's not surprising that LLMs replicate strings that resemble human language, since that is literally what they are built to do.
Scott Matter mastodon (AP)

Iirc, Chomsky was arguing for an innate grammar inherent in all human individuals? Never really got into Chomskian linguistics (but did a bit of linguistic anthropology as an undergrad).

Incidentally, this was a fascinating read:


Charlie Stross mastodon (AP)

@scottmatter Wow: "Language, for Chomsky, is a computational module restricted entirely to the individual, and devoid of communicative, cultural or social aspects. If it has any remaining purpose or function, it exists merely for talking to oneself. This novel and allegedly ‘scientific’ model of language was so extreme in its individualism and abstraction that, in the end, it proved of no use to anyone. Not even the US military could make any of it work."

Sounds like an LLM!

it's been contentious for a while - this is kinda pop lit, but covers the essential problem.


@cstross @emilygorcenski

Charlie Stross mastodon (AP)

Yes, I'm familiar with the debunking—but as the article says, "His research looked for the underlying computational structure of language and proposed a set of procedures that would create “well-formed” sentences. The revolutionary idea was that a computerlike program could produce sentences real people thought were grammatical. That program could also purportedly explain the way people generated their sentences."

If that doesn't describe LLMs, what does?

Charlie Stross mastodon (AP)
@BradRubenstein I suspect that what we're stubbing our toes on is the difference between language having deep structures that can be reverse engineered by statistical rules and used to procedurally generate valid-looking statements, and how young brains discover the world around them and map those inputs *into* a generative language system (which itself is trained by inputs from other language systems, i.e. parents and teachers).
Graydon mastodon (AP)

@cstross @BradRubenstein There's this conceptual problem with "developmental".

There are constraints on language—all those noises we can't make—but one of the deep problems with the idea that language involves a generative grammar is figuring out where it would come from. Language is everywhere if we mean communication. More of the question is how did we go from conveying basic emotion to speaking with precision, given what we must have started with?

Graydon mastodon (AP)

@cstross There is a shedload of wetware specifically to recognize faces. It's why we can see faces in clouds.

The problem with Chomsky's grammar notions is that no one has been able to find it. There's a bunch of developmental stuff about sound order in infants and another bunch of developmental stuff leading up to theory of mind, but the organization of language doesn't seem to be especially constrained.

I think the "psychic illusion" take is much closer.

VVelox friendica

Just your most recent reminder the people behind Plex are a bunch of goat fraggers.


VVelox friendica

So. I got called a "homelab waaior" for having wanting math for load balancing to be fast, efficient, easy to tweak, and predictable. And for pointing out that the math in question is largely integer math and been fairly settled for decades.

Ahhh... yes... the dude who literally specializes in system monitoring could not possibly understand anything about this...

Haha. I must say, this made my day.

VVelox friendica
I think I've come up with the perfect way to describe AI... "a Markov chain with delusions of grandeur"

VVelox friendica

So hoppscotch has come out and proved it a great example of what is wrong in the opensource community. Also proving themselves to be massive leeches. The concept of difference between personal and enterprise is bullocks in this sphere and only furthers to fuck over everything from a security stand point.


VVelox friendica
Has me wondering if there is any good open source alternatives to this or if it is time to fork it.
Sevoris mastodon (AP)

Wow, seriously? Authentication servers for an API system are inherently and always commercial?

Yeah, this looks pretty bad.

VVelox friendica
W00t! New Borgbackup and DHCP stuff merged into LibreNMS. Need to get around to finishing Suricata now. Thinking of reworking NFS for fun and converging the Linux and FreeBSD bits for it.

Armchair Dragoons mastodon (AP)
completely stolen from a Friend-of-the-Dragoons
reshared this

greuh mastodon (AP)
#ttrpg #cyberpunk
Guy works for … Google in Zurich.
It’s a very long message to say … « are we the baddies? » 🤣😂
I wonder if he plays Agent Smith in that game…
Oleg Eterevsky

I'm playing Cyberpunk and one thing that is
bothering me is that the modern pop culture
makes thieves and other criminals more
sympathetic than corporation.

I mean I understand the perception of
corporate greed and ruthlessness, but come
on, why do people empathize more with
murderers than with corpo execs?

2:05 AM . 12/13/23 From Earth . 299 Views
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
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Jan Schaumann mastodon (AP)

Here's your regular reminder that by picking a cutesy name under some #ccTLD you are necessarily relinquishing full control to the ccTLD owner. @violetblue found out about that when Lybia shut down her vb.ly back in... 2010 or so? Now here is @GossiTheDog noting that queer.af was suspended by the Taliban.

Don't register your domains under a repressive regime's #TLD.


#DNS #censorship

Queer.af mastodon instance has been shut down by the Taliban (not a joke, they seized the domain name).


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Ahhhspooky mastodon (AP)
I want you to know I’ve been telling everyone that I hang out with (my fiancé and dog) about this. I’m very very excited about this project.

packetcat mastodon (AP)

"They Want You To Forget What A Film Looks Like" by Chris Person


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devopscats mastodon (AP)
Looks like my APC PDU flash/rom is dead.... This looks interesting... https://github.com/pimvanpelt/apc7920
VVelox reshared this.

VVelox friendica


Sadly this won't mean the death of Nextcloud Mail as they still can't admit their own home rolled webmail is utter garbage.

Chewie mastodon (AP)

Oh great, now #SchneiderElectric are requiring a support contract for their #APC #UPS devices.

I just upgraded the firmware on the #NMC3 attached to my #SmartUPS, and got the message attached :(

That'll be the last time I upgrade this device then :(


Screenshot showing the message I got after upgrading the firmware: 

v2.5.x is the last NMC3 firmware version that will be available without an NMC3 Support Contract. Support Contracts provide access to new features, enhancements, and security updates. To learn more, please visit apc.com/secure-nmc
VVelox reshared this.

VVelox friendica

So was sitting down and comparing borgbackup and urbackup features when I noticed apparently the peps behind urbackup don't use Github issues or anything else even remotely close to sane. Apparently they use Atlassian Jira for issue reporting. This made the choice easy, borgbackup all the way.

Fuck everything about Atlassian and JIRA, speaking as some one who has had their insanely slow and incompetent SW inflicted upon them before.

VVelox friendica

So it is looking like BackupPC is sadly dead.

4.4.0 has been a buggy non-functional release for nearly for like 3 years now.

Karl Baron mastodon (AP)

I found the network rack gacha! Assumed it was so niche it would only be found in like Tokyo but there was one around my neck of the woods as well.

This is the cutest thing ever! Look at the little cables and cable management hoops, the PDU, all of it is so well-done!

#japan #gacha #networking #sysadmin #mb

A gacha machine with an image of network rack toys on the front The built network rack from the front, with two Cisco switches and a Furukawa Electric. Cables go between them.
The un-constructed bits of plastic toy network gear all spread out The rear with power cables going to a PDU through cable management hoops.
This entry was edited (5 months ago)
VVelox reshared this.

VVelox friendica
tonights plans... beer and coding... and finding something funny to listen to

Hey there. In short I'm looking for potential donors as I need a live liver transplant. I've set up a bunch of information and links over at - https://ginpuliver.carrd.co/

Even if you cannot help me directly, please share this with others. There is bound to be someone out there that can help.

Thank you all in advance.

#art #anthro #ginpu #liver #pbc #livelivertransplant #transplant #AIH #PrimaryBiliaryCholangitis
Image of Ginpu character cradling a cartoon liver with a head bandage on. There is text that reads: Hello there. I am in need of a live liver transplant. Posting this in hopes of finding a compatible donor.
VVelox reshared this.

VVelox friendica
So Ixchel now has Suricata config generation working. Just need to test the Sagan config gen and xeno_build stuff.

VVelox friendica
Blargs. Looks like I am going to have to do a massive rewrite for Suricata::Monitoring for making the most out of Suricata 7. Wrote it original for 7 and finally having a chance to sit down and look at new stuff for 7 and lots of new stuff to add.

VVelox friendica
W00t! Since App Data got added to LibreNMS, I am now counting 3 items using it I've had nothing to do with. Actually maybe 4. I forget if I did the update for one of them or not or if that was some one else.

That said awesome to see it being used.

VVelox friendica

VVelox friendica
So with threads on Arfcom attacking Karl Kasarda over supporting the rights of those of us in the LGBT community... and then Brownells dropping support of Cornfield Brutality, I will never again have do any business with them. Also worth noting Arfcom is owned by Brownells and their refusal to clamp down on that drek just is basically them giving it a nod.

VVelox friendica
So CAPEv2 support is now in LibreNMS. :3

Just waiting on Sneck support to get merged now. https://github.com/librenms/librenms/pull/13954

Begun working on support for Lilith.

VVelox friendica

Suricata Conditional PCAPs

Started testing these today at work. I am so looking forward to 7 being released.

Going to be writing something for grabbing these for Lilith.

VVelox friendica
Q: What the cannibal say after hearing SILENT NIGHT?
A: I like mine crispy and spicy!

VVelox friendica

workstation now running FreeBSD 13

Nice to finally have upgraded. Basically everything of mine is now off 12. :)

VVelox friendica

Finally Rebuilt Etc! :3


Finally finished rebuilding this instance.
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